This blog is just a mixture of my thoughts about my life, the world, work and the people that come and go in my life. Im an open book.. maybe because I feel that no one will read my blog so I write freely. Beware
After the Maple Syrup Fasting

Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 18 Raisin Bagels with cream cheese
I love raisin bagels but the calories are crazy however, I signed up to do a calorie counter so everything I eat I log in and the computer tells me how may calories I take in a day. Now I am on at 1300 calorie program. Therefore, a bagel and cream cheese is all I have eaten for breakfast and I'm sure I will have some veggies for lunch. I hope to exercise when I get home today this will progress me forward I am sure of it.
Day 17 is better but lesson learned
I am doing better once my system did a slight recovery. At work we had a Black History Program and of course they had all kinds of food. But I did good large salad, two spoons of greens and half a spoon of rice with veggies. The chicken wings was calling my name but I just say no. I felt great, when I got home had one big bowl of beans and brown rice with pieces of turkey and I wanted something sweet so I ate some cereal. Could have skipped the cereal but still.. No tae bo yesterday I feel so lazy..... which is why I have to watch what I eat since I don't exercise.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 16 I haven't eaten a thing but im backed up
OK brace yourself... I won't go into detail but here it is. I found myself not having a bowel movement in three maybe four days after I stopped the sea salt flush. Well this morning was hell, like the book says its best to drink orange juice all day when coming off the fasting. Well I didn't and became extremely constipated (worst feeling ever), please drink the OJ so you don't have to take pain medication like I (stop laughing lol.)
I have not eating anything today (not hungry at all) however I have been eating healthy meals (salads all day with turkey lunch meat (or tuna with a light mayo mixture) on top, olives black and green with a low fat vinaigrette). last night I made a pot of beans and brown rice with turkey meat. this fasting has helped me put my eating under control, I'm so excited. I feel I have defeated beast of food control because of the fasting.
I have not eating anything today (not hungry at all) however I have been eating healthy meals (salads all day with turkey lunch meat (or tuna with a light mayo mixture) on top, olives black and green with a low fat vinaigrette). last night I made a pot of beans and brown rice with turkey meat. this fasting has helped me put my eating under control, I'm so excited. I feel I have defeated beast of food control because of the fasting.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 14 Was so busy running around i wasnt hungry
Day 14 came and went. I was off from work so I setup doctor and eye doctor appointments and ran errands that I did not make time to eat. All I had was a large salad for dinner with turkey lunch meat cut over it and I was full. Because of the fasting and determination to not to ruin my healthy eating is keeping me from ordering a large chili cheese fry.
Day 13 Weight has stablized
Day 13 I haven't gain any weight back due to me not really eating anything that is high in fat and calories. Its hard to change the eating habits, all I wanted today was a taco from Taco Bell. But I stayed strong and ate salad. I changed my salad dressing to a low fat vinaigrette and brought myself a new digital scale....
Day 12 Decided to stop the Fasting
On Day 12, I decided to stop the fasting at least the sea salt flush. I already cut back on the actually maple syrup drink and was taking down 100% water and wasn't eating much at all. If I did eat it was fruit or 2-3 pieces of thinly sliced turkey lunch meat.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 11 My thighs don't rub together as much..
OK Day 11 and I'm still losing inches more than pounds but I haven't gain any weight (its slowly going down). I'm still on the fast but when I'm hungry I eat a small fruit or very small serving of veggies. The fast for me is losing weight, cleaning my system of junk and putting back healthy homemade meals in small portions. This is not a crash fasting and I start back eating junk this is a lifestyle eating change. It feels good not to crave junk food. 30 days here I come!! with a box of Girl Scout Thin Mints, oh so good. Moderation!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 10 I feel good *james brown dance*
Its Day 10 all is well. I'm not extra tired because of the lack of food, I actually have more energy. I was talking to my sister this morning and we discussed this fasting is not for everybody. I have found you must listen and be in tune with your body while on this fasting. If you are hungry eat, but don't go for the chili cheese fries! Fruit and Veggies are perfect. However, the muscles or fat in my legs and arms (I'm not sure which one) are having contractions (started feeling this on Day 9). Not painful, but I do have to stretch them out throughout the day cause they feel stiff but hey somethings got to shrink...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 9 Body is losing inches now
Since yesterday I have seen my body try to adapted to this fasting by going into its reserve fat......... *pause with annoyance* I have not lost anymore weight but now my clothes are fitting looser, which is good but now its like my body is fighting against the weight lost. This is what my body does (did it five years ago) and all of a sudden it drops major pounds in a week. So I am staying strong with drinking only water eating very little to ease the hunger pains and allow my body to use up all the fat in its reserve.
You must know your body and how far you can push it to obey and understand when you deprive your body of food it already has stored up fat in cells. That fat must be used up first before you will see major weight lost, less fat you continue to put in the body the faster it will use up the saved fat.
You must know your body and how far you can push it to obey and understand when you deprive your body of food it already has stored up fat in cells. That fat must be used up first before you will see major weight lost, less fat you continue to put in the body the faster it will use up the saved fat.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Day 8 I'll try anything to get away from the Sea Salt
My ole foe is Sea Salt flush. I will try anything to get away from that nonsense. A coworker has the book and will let me read it. surprise she was thinking about starting it too since her husband did the fasting a few years ago (and he lost alot of weight and stopped smoking she is one that told me about the water pill at a dinner so now she is talking against it hmmm). She said the water pill should be avoided, but I guess she hasn't taken down 1litter of sea salt everyday for a week. I have done my research on Diurex (the water pill) and it doesn't seem bad as long you don't over use it. All I drink is water and 98% of the time nothing is on my stomach. We will see what happens.
Day 8 3lbs off from Goal
I did snack last night and did not do salt water flush on Day 6 which is why I am 3 lbs off on my 6 lbs every 4 days goal. However, I have an idea!!!!!!!! *wait for it* I heard taking water pills is an avenue from the sea salt water flush which is now making me feel lightheaded every time I do it. I felt it last night again so its a proven fact. I'm going to do my research on the effects of taking water pills to release the water compared to the affects of the flush which i now hate with a passion.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 7 Veggies Ok
I needed a pick me up so I had a palm full of Reese pieces and two mini candy bars. Since I felt bad for eating candy I went downstairs and brought a small serving of mixed veggies (which i love). I haven't been drinking the maple syrup for the past 3 days just plain water, but I plan to make a batch tonight. However, the small servings are not hurting my weight loss due to the sea salt flush which I now hate cause I have to use more salt for it to work properly. uck!!
Day 7 And still going strong
Its Valentines day and I haven't eaten chocolate. wow that is unheard of from me. this fasting is changing my lifestyle and how I view food. I did a weigh in this morning and in 7 days I have lost 10 lbs, I'm still in disbelief. I can now see my body starting to change slowly. My sister has started this fast also so I'm wishing her luck cause she is just as worse as me when it comes to eating whatever and whenever lol
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 6 OMG Im still doing this
Sunday is my Day 6 lost 7 lbs already and going strong. Remember from my first post I'm going for 30 days. So far its looking good, hitting 14 days will be a milestone. I have had no side effects from the fasting, had a headache the first two days but they are gone. So far I would recommend the Beyonce Maple Syrup Fasting, but wish me luck on this journey we still have more to go. Secondly, for people who want to join me take it one day at a time and understand everyday is a new day because of the sea salt flush. no joke
Day 5 Sea Salt the Big Punisher
Well the first Saturday doing the fasting was not that big of a challenge. I did eat a little but the sea salt flush brought me to my knees..... so i was up and down all night to the restroom. but this fasting is still an success, i haven't quit.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 4 I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm drinking a lot of water, no food and haven't drank my maple mix today, I'll make some more when I get home. However, I'm doing great no headache from not eating my three meals a day, my stomach still growls cause its empty but that's when I drink more water. I did eat one medium size banana just now not because I was hungry but I'm a little worried about my health level. I don't want to end up in a coma because my levels are all unbalanced like the lady who was in a coma state in Florida because of an eating disorder.
I did weigh myself this morning lost a total of 6 lbs in 4 days. Wish me luck to 30 days...
I did weigh myself this morning lost a total of 6 lbs in 4 days. Wish me luck to 30 days...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 3 Weightloss
In 3 days I have lost 4 lbs which is good for me since I am not working out. I don't like to workout because it makes me HUNGRY!!!! Does that happen to any of you??? what is the point of working out when you pack on the food when you get home. I have tried eating bananas and fruit but I'm eyeballing that left over cheesecake.....
Day 3 Thinking about food
Yes the urge to throw down on everything you can think of is going through your mind on Day 3 however you don't have an appetite stomach growls cause it is empty but no appetite what so ever. this is a mile stone for me cause I love food. I make it my business to eat rich, well prepared food. Which brought on my urge to cook those type of meals
Day 3 I'm not hungry enough to eat its working
ok folks Day 3 is a wow. I came home and didnt eat a thing so far its been all water. didn't feel like drinking the mix. im still in shock
Day 3 Back to the Bathroom
I have been in the bathroom a lot and can barely go any where without finding out where the nearest bathroom is. But I haven't eaten a thing of course but we will see when I get home. That has proven to be my true challenge.... with kids to cook for of course this would be a challenge
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 2 when i get home its terrible
I cheated again... when i am at work the water all day is fine, but when i get home its all down hill. so now i am up trying to do my taxes stomach is making noise due to the laxative and sea salt and all the food i ate at home. so i can bet on a hellish morning since all the junk my body has to dump since i ate... i hope Day 3 is better when i get home need more self control ugh
Day 2 Move my office to the restroom
I was fine until I wanted water.. plain water besides the maple syrup drink. Why did I do that.................. less than 1 min my stomach said hurry quick. lol Therefore, I have found to also drink plenty of water along with your maple syrup drink.
Day 2 the Cleanse Kicks in 100%
Ok i cheated on eating a little food yesterday which I don't feel bad at all now because of this serious cleanse my body is doing due to the required laxative tea and sea salt flush. I'm doing ok..hungry and the stomach pains that are driving me to the restroom. But this is what I decided to do to take back my body from all the process foods I have eaten for 30 years.
Day 1 I cheated when I got home
When I got home from work I was to hungry. I ate a few chips and dip and two four bites of mashed potatoes and two asparagus sticks. I was so hungry, however I did it and felt bad until my sea salt cleanse and laxative tea kicked in.......
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 1 Headache
I'm not sure if I have a headache because of work or the lack of food. But I will be taking an aspirin when I get home. Secondly, I will have to keep myself busy around the house to keep my mind off food. That is the second thing I do when I get home. Opening the fridge.
Day 1 hunger pain
I had a serious hunger pain drinking that water was NOT going to fix. I had a small orange which made it go away. Therefore, I will have to also document what I am eating for hunger pain relief... *a small orange should not hurt my fasting*
Day 1 lunch time at work
I'm still staying strong... all the food smells are wonderful when you are fasting. everything smells good and tasty. But I can do it!!!!!!
Day 1
Today I started the fasting. last night I brought supplies and mixed the drinks. Of course I did a "big bang" dinner. Steak, masked potatoes and asparagus (my meal for every special day) and a glass of wine. Today I am feeling fine with nothing on my stomach but this mixture. I have already started and stopped many diets, but this fasting should help jump start my road away from overly processed food and junk along with the bonus of losing weight. Which is my main goal but to keep it off by putting healthier food back in my body.
I will be blogging a lot through this journey to help me stay on track with my main goal.
1. Lose Weight
2. After the 42 days to put healthier food only in body
If this fasting really works I should lose around 66lbs when the 42 days is over.. Wish me luck
If you want to try it go to this website
I will be blogging a lot through this journey to help me stay on track with my main goal.
1. Lose Weight
2. After the 42 days to put healthier food only in body
If this fasting really works I should lose around 66lbs when the 42 days is over.. Wish me luck
If you want to try it go to this website
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